An all out vicious and nasty effort to destroy the institution of Biblical Marriage has been going on for two generations. Those behind this concerted effort are finally within reach of their goal as they legalize Same-Sex Marriage:
- The sexual revolution of the 1960’s – “Make love, not war,” shouted students.
- No-fault divorce – 1st signed into law in California, 1969.
- Normalization of Cohabitation – increased 800% since 1960.
- Killing of Babies in Mothers’ wombs – Roe v. Wade, 1973- 49 million.
- Legalization of Sodomy – Supreme Court ruled as constitutional, June 26, 2003.
- License for Homosexual Marriages – First granted by May 17, 2004.
- Homo-Sexual Marriage legalized June 24th, 2011, by New York Legislation.
- President Obama instructed His Attorney General not to defend the “Defense of Marriage Act” in court, April 2011.
- HOW HAVE THE ABOVE ACTS BEEN JUSTIFIED AS LEGAL? The advocates and promoters of such contend that, under our constitution, the “Right to Choose” gives any individual the right to choose how he lives, which includes taking the life of a baby, same-sex marriage, etc. Both President Obama and Secretary of State, Hilliary Clinton, praised New York for approving “Same-Sex Marriage,” because it protected the right of New Yorkers to be free to choose what they prefer.
- HOW HAS THE “RIGHT OF CHOICE” BEEN MISINTERPRETED? “Sadly, the freedom that began as the great strength of our nation has been so distorted that it has actually begun to undermine its very foundation. Whereas the Declaration of Independence ensures ‘certain unalienable Rights’ – which were enumerated as ‘Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness’ – some in our society have attempted to expand those privileges in ways our Founders never envisioned.
Often cloaked under the guise of ‘freedom of choice,’ there are those who think that every person can choose how he or she wants to live in society, without personal restriction or responsibility. It sounds good at first, until we understand the ramifications of what they are advocating, which at times includes the legalization of drugs, prostitution, and state-assisted homicide.
This is the very problem that Paul warned against when he wrote, “It was for freedom that Christ set us free; therefore keep standing firm and do not be subject again to a yoke of slavery…You were called to freedom, brethren; only do not turn your freedom into an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another” (Galatians 5:1, 13).[1]
- WHAT IS THE ROOT OF THESE HORRENDOUS REALITIES? Let the Bible speak, “Where people are ignorant of the Word of God, the people run wild and cast off all restraints” (Proverbs 29:18). “My people perish for lack of knowledge” (Hosea 4:6).
- Defies definition of marriage given by God the Father in the Garden of Eden – Gen. 2:24-25.
- Disregards the teachings of Jesus on marriage – Matt. 19:3-6.
- Disregards teaching of the Apostle Paul – Ephesians 5:23-31; 1 Cor. 7:1-15 ; Heb. 13:4.
- Discounts teaching of historic church (Catholic, Protestant, Orthodox) for 2000 years. No legitimate Christian body, except the Episcopal Church, ever endorsed “Same-Sex” Marriage.
- Disregards the fact that no civilization, no matter how corrupt, has practiced Same-Sex Marriage. Only two countries: Netherlands and Belgium.
- Deprives males and females of the intimate relationship ordained by a loving God, which is essential to their well being, physically, emotionally and spiritually.
- Devastates children, confusing them of their real sexual identity.
- Deprives us of our religious liberty.
- Demands the judgment of God – Heb. 13:4; Romans 1:24-31; 1 Cor. 6:9-11.
- Develops environment in which every form of sexual behavior may flourish
- Destroys potentially the perpetuation of the human race.
- What disastrous consequences will result from Same-Sex marriage?
- Do you believe Same-Sex marriage will be accepted as normal and right if acts against marriage continue to escalate?
- By 2025 will it be a crime to oppose Same-Sex marriage?
- Will pastors be arrested for preaching against Same-Sex marriage?
[1] Charles Stanley, Turning the Tide, New York: Howard Books, 2011, pp 46-47.