I was alone on July 4th, and now I know why. Being alone gave the Holy Spirit time to speak to my heart about the future of our beloved America. As a student of American history, I began to look back on some of the milestones of our nation:
- In 1789 – George Washington proclaimed a day of thanksgiving for our young nation – this was his first proclamation.
- In 1863 – Abraham Lincoln also proclaimed a day of thanksgiving to acknowledge God as the giver of all our blessings.
- “In God we trust” became our national slogan in the 1860’s.
- In 1892- In the famous “Trinity” case, the Supreme Court emphatically ruled: “The United State is a Christian nation.”
- In 1944 – President FDR did not only call the nation to pray but he lead the nation in a moving prayer for the protection of our troops and for the triumph of our nation over the darkest force of evil in our history.
- 1954 – Congress inserted the words “Under God” in our pledge of allegiance to our flag prompted by President Eisenhower.
When the above actions were taken in the past, our nation responded positively and gratefully to them. No outcry then; but if such actions were taken today, there would be outcries against them and efforts made to repeal them. Example: “In God we trust” has been our national slogan since 1864, but today some are demanding that these words be removed from our coins, and one court has already ruled that the words “Under God” in our pledge to the flag is unconstitutional. Two weeks ago NBC carried a program in which some children repeated the pledge of allegiance to the flag but omitted “Under God.” Was that an accident? You guess!
Over the last 60 years, the American psyche has radically changed. We are now witnessing the radical denials of the values which made us the greatest nation in history. One observer has written:
“In America, we are watching the death of capitalism and the birth of European socialism; because of our titanic debt, we are watching the death of the dollar.
We are watching the birth of a shadow government of Czars that are not answerable to Congress and therefore escape the protections of the Constitution of the United States. This is not a government of “We the People.” We are watching the birth of a New World Order where nations surrender their sovereignty and follow a Global Czar that will be the world’s new Caesar. The Bible calls him the Antichrist.
With geopolitical and financial danger signals in abundance the word of absolute denial we get from Washington is “All is well, America is the unsinkable nation, entertain yourselves by shuffling deck chairs on the Titanic while the band plays on.. America has ceased to be a producer nation and has become a consumer nation…We have intentionally dumbed down our schools, ignored our history, and no longer teach our students the founding principles of America. Students graduate who cannot read, write, or speak intelligently….Roe v. Wade has made it possible for 40 million babies to be murdered in the wombs of their mothers. Mother Teresa said, ‘The nation that kills its unborn has lost its soul.’ I agree!… Social Security is broken and will remain broken. Abortion!…The Baby Boomers are retiring and there is no “next generation” to pay the tab for Social Security. They have been killed under the banner of the ‘right to choose.’”[1]
What has happened in America which would bring our nation to such a crisis?
- The Government has Become Our God. Whereas American looked to God and their labors to support them in the past, the government has become their god. The seeds for this way of thinking were first sown by FDR in 1933 when he tried to solve the Depression by appropriating millions to rescue the needy. Today that attitude is the mind set of our citizens.
- Out of this false philosophy has now risen the conviction of “Entitlement.” Such a view is foreign to our Constitution and the way Americans have lived in the past. Personal Testimony: When I graduated from high school, I knew it was God’s will for me to go to college, and I was equally convinced it was my responsibility to earn the money to pay my expenses. My father could have helped me some and offered to do so, but I refused and labored hard for two years until I had sufficient money in the bank to matriculate in Wake Forest University, worked hard every summer, went 13 years, at the end of which I did not owe one penny.
- Material Prosperity: Money, Mercedes, Mansions have become the idols of most Americans, and instead of thanking God for them, we have taken them for granted and demanded more and more. A fact confirmed by history and the Bible: PROSPERITY IS THE ENEMY OF TRUE SPIRITUALITY. (2 Thess. 3:10; 1 Tim. 6:8-10; James 5:1-3). The great German poet Goete said, “One thing a nation cannot stand – continued ” Another name for this is “The American Dream.”
- The Americanization of the Gospel. That is, interpreting the gospel as the means to get anything spiritual and material you desire, provided you have faith (Mark 9:23). I heard one of the great promoters of this self-centered doctrine says these words on TV, July 3, 2011: “If you have faith, you can get anything you want: more money, new nice home, healing, the new birth, debt payment, a wife, anything”. Thus you can see that the Doctrine of Entitlement has now penetrated a large section of evangelicalism. The result: Jesus describes the tragedy in his account of the church of the last age: “I know your works, that you are neither cold nor hot. I could wish you were cold or hot. So then, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot,[a] I will vomit you out of My mouth. Because you say, ‘I am rich, have become wealthy, and have need of nothing’—and do not know that you are wretched, miserable, poor, blind, and naked.” (Rev. 3:15-17.
Millions of Americans are seeking to go to church where they can get anything they want and give nothing back until the church is more and more a consumer organization based on the false view of “ENTITLEMENT>’
- The Criminalization of Christianity. The word “crime” is an “act committed in violation of the law.”[2] Thanks principally to the ACLU (the Anti-Christ Lawyer’s Union) and our courts, there are laws in place in America today based on Christian principles which when violated constitute a crime.
For Example: It is unconstitutional:
- If a student prays over his lunch (in school), it is unconstitutional for him to pray aloud (Reed vs. Van Hoven. 1965).
- It is unconstitutional for kindergarten students to recite, “We thank you for the flowers so sweet; we thank you for the food we eat; we thank you for the birds that sing; we thank you for everything.” (Did you notice that the word “God” does not even appear in that prayer? However, our courts decided that someone might just think about God, and that is unconstitutional.)
- It is unconstitutional for students to arrive at school early to hear a student volunteer read prayers which have been offered by the chaplains in the Senate and House of Representatives and published in the Congressional Record.
- It is unconstitutional for a Board of Education to use or refer to the word “God” in any of its official writings.
- It is unconstitutional for a kindergarten class to ask during a school assembly whose birthday is celebrated at Christmas.
- It is unconstitutional for the 10 Commandments to hang on the walls of a classroom. (The 10 Commandments hang on the walls of the Supreme Court and were displayed in public classrooms for 150 years and taught in many schools.)
- A bill becomes unconstitutional even though the wording may be constitutionally acceptable, if the legislator who introduced the bill had a religious activity in his mind when he authored it.
- It is unconstitutional for a kindergarten class to recite: “God is great, God is good, let us thank Him for our food.”
- It is unconstitutional for a school graduation ceremony to contain an opening or closing prayer.
- In the Alaska public schools (1987), students were told that they could not use the word “Christmas” in school because it had the word “Christ” in it. They were told that they could not have the word in their notebooks, or exchange Christmas cards or
- The Myth of “Separation of Church and State.” The war against Christianity started in 1947 when Justice Hugo Black gave a decision written by the ACLU, “There should be a wall of separation between church and state.” These words are not found in the Constitution, but opened the doors for an onslaught against religion in the public life. In 1963 the Supreme Court removed prayer from the public schools, followed by the removal of the Bible, the 10 Commandments, biblical creationism, and now prayer at high school graduations. In recent TV shows Christians have been held up as bigots, troublemakers, and a threat to our real freedom. Highest officials of our government refer to “the un-Christian right.”
- The War Against Christianity in America has been raging since 1947 and has now reached outrageous proportions, as expressed in three major developments in recent years:
- The legalization of sodomy: On June 26, 2003, the U. S. Supreme Court ruled 6–3 that sodomy laws are unconstitutional. “In Lawrence vs. Texas.”[4]
- Same-sex marriage: First made legal by Mass. on May 18, 2004, by New York, June 2011, etc.
- Proposed removal of “Under God” in the Pledge of Allegiance: In June 2002, a Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals overturned the 1954 act of Congress, which modified our Pledge of Allegiance. “The Judge acknowledged that the words ‘under God’ which were added in 1954, were an unconstitutional establishment of religion.”[5]
[1] John Hagee, Can America Survive? New York: Howard Books, 2010, pp. 7-9.
[2] Webster’s New Word Dictionary.
[3] Dr. Bill Bennett, Politically Incorrect Answers to America’s Burning Issues, pp. 89-90.
[4] www.Sodomylaws.org/lawrence, last edited July 31, 2005.
[5] Dr. Bill Bennett, Politically Incorrect Answers, pp. 90-91.