Define Holocaust – a great and complete devastation or destruction. Literally the Greek word (Holocaustion) means “a sacrifice consumed completely by fire.”
Holocaust in America:
When we think of Holocaust we think of the mass extermination of 6 million Jews by Hitler in Nazi concentration camps in WWII. But there is a far greater Holocaust taking place in America today since adoption of Roe vs. Wade, January 22, 1973.
- 50 million plus babies aborted since 1973 vs. 6 million Jews.
- 43% of women have abortions in America.
- 47% have repeats. 4000 murdered each day.
- One aborted every 94 seconds by Planned Parenthood.
- Note: The State of New York giving “Dangerous Abortion Pills” (the morning after) to girls 12 and up without parental consent. Paganism on steroids.
- Revolutionary War 25,324
Civil War 498,332
World War I 116,708
World War II 407,316
Korean War 54,246
Vietnam War 58,655
Gulf War 128
Iraq ?
Afghanistan ?
Total 1,160,709
War on the Unborn
(since abortion was
legalized in 1973) 53,000,000
The Worldwide Scourge of Abortion:
- Europe – Christianity has always forbidden abortion until recently – Ex. 20:13.
The Didache, oldest Christian document outside of New Testament, states, “No one shall commit murder by abortion.” The Religious Coalition for abortion is composed of Church of Brethren, United Methodist, Presbyterian Church, USA, Episcopalian, United Church of Christ and YMCA.
- Africa – abortion raging.
- Asia – abortion raging. “Women suffer such guilt in Asia that the Buddhists are building temples to display 10,000 “Little Buddha’s” in memory of the babies having been aborted for a large sum of money. Also for a big price women can pay for prayers that will be prayed for them.
The Political World – Politics used to concern itself with the economy, trade, foreign affairs, but it has now invaded the sacred areas of God’s law and standards of morality. : Dr. John MacArthur asserts, “The Democratic Party has now adopted a platform which embraces the sins of the first chapter of Romans – Homosexuality, homo-sexual marriages, same sex marriage, abortion – the sins which brought the demise of nations in the past. See Romans 1:18-31.
Arguments for Abortion:
- Mother has right to do what she desires with her body. But the baby is not her body, but another person. If a Christian, her body belongs to God- 1 Cor. 6:19-20.
- Eugenic reason – child deformed. All of us are deformed in some way, still a creation of God. Even if one is deformed, he is the creation of God made in His image.
- Limits over-population. Ex. China
- Women are victims – no woman is a victim who lies down with a man.
What Has Created “The Culture of Death” in The World:
- It is caused by Satan who is the Arch murderer (John 8:44). He tried to kill God and was cast out of heaven. (Rev. 12). He especially tries to kill babies, as in the case of Moses and Jesus.
- Atheism and the “New Atheism” are increasing in America
Abortion: Let the Bible Speak
- Conception Is An Act of God Always. Psalm 127:3. Throughout the Bible, we read that God opens and closes the womb – check concordance. See Psalm 139: 13-18; Jer. 1:5; Psalm 22:9-10, “But You are He who took Me out of the womb; You made Me trust while on My mother’s breasts.10 I was cast upon You from birth. From My mother’s womb You have been My God.”
- Every Person Conceived Is Made in The Image of God – Examine each sentence in Psalm 139:13-18. Image: Mind, will, emotion for relationship. Not the incommunicable traits.
- Every Person Created Is The Special Object of God’s Love And Care. The womb is the safest place on earth where the person lives for 9 months. But it has become the most unsafe place in America. Think of the horror of invading the womb and killing the child. This is paganism on steroids. Pagans invaded the womb with poisons and killed the fetus. Plato and Aristotle prescribed abortion for population control.
- No One Except God Has The Right to take another life. Does this rule out Capital Punishment? See Romans 13:1-4
- God Condemns All Murderers – Note the 6th Commandment, Exodus 20:13, “You shall not murder.” Read Ex. 21:22. Jews rejected abortion because they said it violated the commandment to love God with all your heart and your neighbor as yourself. If anyone is a neighbor, it is the child in the womb. Note: The Religious Coalition for Abortion consists of the Church of the Brethren, United Methodist, Presbyterian USA, United Church of Christ, Episcopal, and YWCA.
- The Overruling Grace of God Redeems Aborted Babies. See the amazing words in Psalm 22:9-10; Matthew 18:10 and 2 Samuel 12:23. See MacArthur’s book, Safe in the Arms of God.
- There Is Forgiveness for Murder, Including Abortion. Ask the Apostle Paul who was a murderer and blasphemer (Isaiah 1:18; 55:7; Heb. 10:17; Psalm 103:12..
- Romans 1 Predicts The Demise of Civilization Who Practice Abortion – Romans 1:24,26,28. Illus: Arnold Toynbee – 22 Civilizations fell because of sexual immorality.
What are the Responsibilities of the Church and Individual Christians? Note the Q & A Below.
(I was moved to prepare this message after hearing MacArthur’s CD in which he said the Democratic Party had adopted a platform embracing the deadly sin of Romans 1 – homosexuality – homosexual marriage, lesbianism, abortion, eliminating God.