- Transfer ownership of your money and possessions over to God. Forty years ago Doris and I did this and we became managers of God’s resources, formerly known as mine (Psalm 24:1).
- Trust God to meet every need of your life when you put Him first (Matthew 6:33; 2 Cor. 6:6-11).
- Remember that your giving to God is a matter of faith and obedience, not about money per se.
- Ask yourself regularly, “Have I put money and things ahead of God.” Money can easily take the top spot in our lives. Ministers are not exempt from this temptation.
- Never think of getting from others, but always think of giving to others. A good rule is to give something away each day that is valuable to you. I have found that a person makes a living by what he gets, but makes a life by what he gives.
- Tithing – give 10% of your income to God through your church – is the minimum basis for biblical giving (Matthew 23:23).
- Develop a saving plan now. Have as a goal to save 10% of your check.
- Give offerings above your tithe to support other ministries. Find gospel-impacting ministries with a good tract record you can financially support. Make sure the organization is biblically based and has high accountability in the handling of finances.
- Be passionately committed to paying your debts on time. “Let no debt remain outstanding” (Romans 13:8). If you cannot pay your debts on time, be sure to make an agreement for payment with your creditors.
- Stay out of debt – get rid of credit cards – undergo plastic surgery.
- Do not loan or borrow money from your members or your family.
- Do not presume on the Lord’s mercy to take care of your financial foolishness because you are a minister.
- Surprise the millionaires by picking up the tab after dinner.
- Don’t cheapen the ministry by asking for special favors because you are a minister.
- Don’t ever “poor mouth” it from the pulpit, to others, or to your wife and children – Heb. 13:5.
- Don’t ever talk about sacrifices you and your family have made.
- Never take a second job and reduce your ministry unless you are forced to do so to make ends meet (2 Timothy 2:4).
- If an elder, (pastor) seek to qualify for an adequate salary (1 Timothy 5:17).