Pick and internalize two verses from the following passages:
– Joshua 1:8-9
– Psalm 1
– Psalm 119:11, 105
Below is a list of why a husband and wife should actively walk in their role in the marriage–the husband loving his wife as Christ loved the church, and the wife respecting and arranging herself behind her husband’s leadership:
- Because its God’s plan.
- Because of your awesome reverence and holy fear of God (v. 21).
- Because your husband needs your support to lead. It’s hard.
- Because you want God to bless your marriage.
- Because God can’t/won’t bless disobedience.
- Because you say you want a godly marriage.
- Because having a godly marriage by definition is two people acting godly, which equals obedience to His plan/role.
- Because when you don’t, you are misrepresenting Jesus. You are lying about Him on the witness stand of life. And the lost are watching…
- Because when you don’t, your marriage is not reflecting the right relationship between Jesus and His bride, the church.
- Because when you don’t, you are actually validating your husband’s/wife’s argument for why he/she is not fulfilling his/her role.
- Because when you don’t, you are walking in the flesh.
- Because when you don’t you are believing the enemy’s lies, losing spiritual warfare, and following his counterfeit plan.
- Because when you don’t, you are robbing God of His glory.
- Because when you do, you will experience the joy of obedience that Jesus described in John 15:9-11.
- Because when you don’t, you are NOT in right relationship with Jesus.
- Because when you don’t, you are grieving and quenching the Holy Spirit.
- Because when you don’t, you are choosing to miss God’s best for your life.
- Because whether you do or don’t, you are showing/modeling/telling you kids, “THIS is what marriage is supposed to look like.”
- Because when you don’t, you are refusing to be controlled by the HS, and choosing to be controlled by your flesh. You are telling Him NO.”