Continue to look at the same passages from next week. Choose and internalize 2 from these that you haven’t already.
-Ephesians 5:21-24
-Ephesians 5:33
-Titus 2:3-5
Respecting your husband is not just a feeling. It is primarily behavior. Below are some examples of what it “looks like” to show respect to your husband. This IS NOT a list of commands to wives. It is simply a list of possibilities that could work in your marriage. Obviously it’s not possible to create an exhaustive list on this subject, especially with the individuality aspect being so relevant to each husband and each marriage.
Husbands, if there is an area of respect that you need that is not listed here, please feel free to add it.
Wives, if there is an area where you feel that you are currently showing respect to your husband, but its not listed here, please feel free to add it.
Husbands,1. Underline the areas where you feel that your wife IS currently showing you respect. 2. Circle the areas in which you desire to be shown respect, but don’t feel that you are receiving it. (all items do not need to be marked. Only the ones relevant to YOUR relationship)
Wives, (get an unmarked copy) 1. Underline the areas in which you feel that you ARE currently showing your husband respect. 2. Circle the areas in which you feel your husbands NEEDS respect, but realize that you are NOT currently giving him that respect. (all items do not need to be marked. Only the ones relevant to YOUR relationship)
It is critical that each of you give the other permission to be totally honest and transparent with an assurance of no judgment or negative repercussions. This is about having a desire to walk in obedience to Jesus and in alignment with His design for marriage. To have a marriage that is an accurate reflection of Jesus and His bride, the Church.
When you have both finished, look at each other’s sheets. Identify the similarities and the differences between each of your worksheets. Then come together and talk through these things in a Christ-honoring way, by honoring each other as you work towards a godly, Jesus centered marriage.
I did not create this list. It was made by a Christian wife.
- Stop what you are doing and look at him when he talks.
- Refrain from interrupting him when he’s talking.
- Pray for him.
- Pray with him.
- Pray over him when he is going through some tough decisions or stressful situations.
- Smile at him.
- Tell him something you admire about him.
- Ask him about his day.
- Talk positively about him to others.
- Thank him for something he’s done.
- Ask, “what can I do for you today?”
- Let him drive.
- If going to the store, ask “is there anything I can get for you while I’m at the store?”
- Stop what you are doing and welcome him home with a kiss.
- Give him a kiss as he walks out the door in the morning.
- Honor his requests.
- Let him know you like your life with him.
- Encourage him in his line of work.
- Avoid the use of sarcasm when speaking to him.
- Say “yes” in bed.
- Initiate love making.
- Let him know what you like most in bed.
- Compliment him often.
- Make his favorite meal.
- Avoid complaining.
- Write him a love note.
- Avoid criticizing him…especially in front of others.
- Respond to his thoughts and advice with enthusiasm.
- Respect his likes and dislikes.
- Refrain from comparing him to other men.
- Ask for his help.
- Kindly try to understand his reasons, even when you don’t agree.
- Give him space and time to spend on his hobbies.
- Focus on what he’s doing right.
- Be happy and positive when he is home.
- Speak honorably about him and to him in front of the kids.
- Humbly admit your mistakes.
- Avoid nagging.
- Refrain from placing the blame on him when something goes wrong.
- Carve out time to spend with him apart from the children.
- Give him time to unwind after work before bombarding him with home life.
- Touch him with affection.
- Talk together about your family’s goals and how you can achieve them together.
- Let him do his “to-do list” in his own time…even if his timing is not your timing.
- Defend him if others speak disrespectfully about him.
- Send him an encouraging email or text.
- Reserve some energy for him at the end of the day.
- Help him to lead your family spiritually by providing him with the resources he needs to encourage the family in the Lord.
- Be kind and thoughtful to his parents, siblings, and relatives.
- Refrain from belittling his intelligence.
- Give him the benefit of the doubt.
- Sit with him while he watches one of HIS favorite TV shows.
- Ask for his advice.
- Remember that your personal actions reflect on him even when you are apart; don’t do anything that would embarrass him.
- Tell him you love him.
- Be patient with him when he makes mistakes.
- Thank him for providing for you and your family.
- Tell him what makes you proud to be with him.
- Keep your expectations of him reasonable AND realistic.
- Refrain from talking down to him.
- Find out your husband’s primary love language and then find a way to display love to him through that language.
- Thank God for him every time you think of him.
- Refrain from undermining his authority, especially in front of the children.
- Respond to potentially argumentative conversations with self-control.
- Celebrate your husband’s successes.
- Keep his secrets.
- Ask for forgiveness.
- Give forgiveness.