Topic of the Lesson: The LORD of Hosts is His name.
Memory/Meditation Work
- Proverbs 18:10
- Psalm 20:7-8
Internalize both of these for next week.
Life Application Assignment
- The LORD of Hosts is translated: Jehovah Sabaoth. Here are some of the definitions of this name: The LORD of armies, The LORD of Heaven’s armies, The LORD of powers. In light of our Scripture assignment this week, what does this compound name of God mean to you? Or better yet, how is this name of God relevant in your life as a Christian?
- Can you describe a time when there were adversaries lined up against you so to speak, and you “ran into” the strong tower of His name, the LORD of Hosts?
- Does this name of God make you feel safe as the Scriptures describe? Does this name of God cause you to put your trust in the LORD of Hosts when there is trouble in your life? If so, why? If not, why not?