– Colossians 1:18
– 1 Corinthians 11:3
– Colossians 2:10
In exercising proper headship (leadership), you should as the responsible party be the initiators in your marriage and in our home. Your wife should not have to continually prod you to fulfill your role. This is very discouraging to a wife.
Initiating (leading) does NOT mean that you are the sole decider and/or decision maker. It means that you are initiating the issue–that YOU are bringing the issue up to be dealt with and resolved so that your marriage and home are “working” properly and honoring Jesus.
Your wife should not have to live in a constant state of wishing that you would lead (being the initiator) her and the family as head.
Here are some examples of areas in which you should be taking the lead by being the initiator in your home and marriage:
- The setting of the moral compass in your home
- The spiritual well-being of your wife and family
- Understanding and meeting your wife’s needs
- Finances
- Child rearing
- Church attendance
- Giving
- YOUR personal, intimate walk with Jesus