If its appropriate, ask your wife to describe what the nourish/cherish things that she needs that you aren’t currently doing LOOK like to HER. This is very important.
Ask her what the things that you need to eliminate (starve list) look like. Please ask for examples to help you understand.
Assure her of your commitment to submit to Jesus by submitting to her and serving her in cultivating the areas that SHE needs in order to nourish/cherish her and of your commitment to submit to Jesus by serving her in eliminating the starving behaviors.
Remind her that you need her on your side to:
- Pray for you to succeed
- Be your cheerleader
- Be ready with affirmations
- Be slow with criticism and condemnation
- Believe in you and your intent…
When your husbands comes and asks for greater clarification of the nourish/cherish list, be ready to affirm and encourage and not use this as an opportunity to criticize.
Make of list of how it makes you feel when you meditate on the reality that your are a member of Jesus’ body and that He nourishes and cherishes you.