Read all three of the passages below, and select two or three verses from them to internalize.
- Psalm 51
- Psalm 32
- Psalm 103:8-14
Come ready to discuss the following:
1) Is there any undealt with sin in your life? Your immediate reaction may be to want to say no, but there may be something you don’t even see. There may be something that you have done so long that you don’t even think about it any more. Ask God to show you.
2) What is your default mode when you stumble?
- Do you gravitate more towards condemning yourself?
- Do you gravitate towards the other extreme and take your sin lightly?
- Do you oscillate between the two depending on the situation?
3) Study Psalm 51 again now that we have an understanding of the depth of all that happened in 2 Samuel 11-12.
Next we will get more into what we should do and what our response should be when we stumble.