Additional Scripture : , Matthew 7:1-5, Luke 18:9-14 , Romans 2:1-2
1.Do you ever think to yourself when you hear a good lesson or sermon, “I wish so-and-so were here. He really needs to hear this,” more than you need it?
2.Do you guilt people into action spiritually more than you inspire them?
3.You say things on Facebook about your spirituality that you’d never say in person?
4.Do you never share your weaknesses or when you do, it always has a nice bow on top of it?
5.Do you think the world/church would be a better place if everyone was like you?
6.Do you, when other methods fail, try to use someone’s spiritual flaws to win an argument or disagreement?
7.Do you struggle or even refuse to treat certain people with respect that you should?
8.Do you wear your good works on your sleeve, and you make sure everyone knows what you are doing?
9.Do you rarely say you’re sorry?
10.Do you feel that you don’t really NEED accountability?
11. Do you dislike being held accountable?
12. Are you hearing these questions and getting defensive, or you’re having imaginary conversations in your head where you’re arguing with me and I’m losing?
13. Are you hearing this and thinking, “None of this is me—I’m awesome.”
14.Do you compare yourself with others and look down on those who do not live as you do?
15. Do you have a shallow sense of forgiveness? “How deep and well-developed is my personal sense of God’s forgiveness?” This subjective sense is another telltale symptom of our level of self-righteousness. Our personal awareness of God’s forgiveness will profoundly impact our level of self-righteousness. Our response to sinners, particularly those who wrong us, is an excellent gauge to measure potentially self-righteous hearts.
16. Do you hate and condemn sinners? Whenever you are in the presence of somebody who has committed a horrible sin, does it make you feel uncomfortable? A self-righteous person hates sinners instead of just hating their sins.
17. Do you love the approval and praises of people? A self-righteous person loves to gain approval from people. He wants to look righteous so that people hold him in high regards. This is exactly what the Pharisees did. They gave in front of many people, disfigured their faces when fasting, loved to sit at the best seats in the synagogues, and enjoyed being called by pompous titles, just to name a few.
18. Do you reject correction?
19. Do you get defensive when people challenge you spiritually?
20. Do you love to come here to M3 and “hear a good word” but don’t want or need to do the assignment…