- 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
- Philippians 4:4-7
- Luke 11:9-10
- Psalm 100:1-5
Choose two or three verses from these passages to internalize.
Life Application Assignment
1. Have you ever been in a situation or trial that was challenging to the point that you found it difficult to rejoice, pray, and be thankful? Explain.
2. Has the Holy Spirit ever prompted you to rejoice, or pray, or be thankful when you didn’t feel like it or maybe even didn’t want to? Describe.
3. Now that you know that rejoicing, praying without ceasing, and being thankful in all situations is a part of your direct interaction with God and is based on you being in Christ as opposed to a reaction to current circumstances, how do you think this will change these 3 areas of your spiritual life? Be thorough in your responses.